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17 near misses at qld rail crossings in march 28:53 – 1:00pm

sex, 10 julho, 2020

17 near misses at qld rail crossings in march 28:53 – 1:00pm

Sydney: 9097 and 9109

Wollongong: 8995 and 8996

Melbourne: 8893 and 8892

Queensland: 8791 and 8792

South Australia: 8796 and 8599

Wes007카지노tern Australia: 8503 and 8597

New South Wales: 8476 and 8474

* The ‘included’ points in brackets after the dates indicate those that서산출장샵마사지 후기 had an increased capacity for both trains on the day to that point.

Train capacity increas월드 카지노ed in NSW: train only

The following trains have an increase in capacity on their respective day:

9.1/11: 93.2

7.9/08: 76.6

8.8/08: 75.2

7.9/07: 65.8

24.1/04: 61.9

24.1/03: 60.9

8.6/07: 59.7

28.8/06: 58.8

23.8/06: 57.0

27.1/05: 55.0

25.2/04: 54.7

17.6/04: 53.7

16.7/01: 52.6

17.6/01: 52.6

* All additional trains have had their capacity increased from 23 trains per hour to 28.0 on the evening of the 7th September 2010.

The figures include the 7.9/08 from Sydney to Ballarat and from the Ballarat to Darwin trains.
