Arquivo de agosto 22nd, 2016

Londrina e a Livraria da Silvia na Revista da Gol, de agosto!

seg, 22 agosto, 2016

AgostoQue tal passear em Londrina?

Na Revista VoeGol, pagina 68 e muitas mais!


” … é diferente de Maringá”, diz Caldeira. Localizada em uma chácara de 6 mil metros quadrados, a vila ainda oferece aulas de circo e ioga e um cineclube. A administração do projeto também é responsável pelo Festival de Cinema, que este ano será entre 19 e 27 de novembro. Iniciativa mais recente que as vilas culturais, a Casa Madá, mistura de loja e ateliê, segue o clima contemporâneo da cidade. Aqui, jovens artistas como Hígor Mejia, 28, e Lubia Domingos Flor, 28, expõem seus trabalhos. Uma vez por mês, uma feirinha de artesanato e comidas movimenta o local. Se a programação cultural lembra a das metrópoles, os londrinenses ainda mantêm hábitos do interior. Hospitaleiros, eles adoram dar dicas e transformam encontros em pretextos para bate-papo. Na Biblioteca Municipal, a psicóloga aposentada Nina Graça de Oliveira Cardoso, 68, faz questão de indicar a Livraria da Silvia como a melhor da cidade. Atrás do balcão da loja diminuta fi ca Silvia Liberatore, 65, ex-coordenadora do curso de comunicação da Faap que deixou São Paulo há dez anos. Por ter de tudo um pouco, ela chama seu negócio de bistrô: livros de arte da editora ORIGEM SAÍDA CHEGADA São Paulo (CGH) 07h10 08h25 Curitiba (CWB) 22h05 23h00 Rio de Janeiro (SDU) 16h45 19h40 Belém (BEL) 06h00 13h45 São Paulo (GRU) 21h00 22h15 Recife (REC) 14h20 19h40 Acesse para mais opções de voos ou consulte seu agente de viagens. Voos sujeitos a alteração sem aviso prévio. VOOS PARA LONDRINA (LDB) — GOL Taschen, por exemplo, disputam espaço com obras de autores locais. Aos sábados, Silvia organiza o Papo na Livraria, com escritores convidados ou apenas “um bolinho”. Outra dica? Depois do momento literário, almoce na Barollo Tratoria, aqui pertinho – o risoto de alho-poró com tambaqui é divino (R$ 99,90 para duas pessoas). Tique-taque A vida noturna também ajudou a colocar Londrina na cena cosmopolita. Figura conhecida na boemia local, o artista Agenor Evangelista, 61, brinca que, “se começa pintando em casa, termina no bar”, e vice-versa. É comum vê-lo desenhar nas mesas com seu copo de cerveja ao lado – ponto de encontro dos músicos de blues, o Vila Rica, no centro, é seu preferido. Outro bar indicado é o Valentino, criado em 1979, e que, desde então, funciona como palco de peças e shows. Quando precisou mudar de seu icônico endereço na avenida Bandeirantes …”


Goodness, I never knew I was the Queen of Melodrama

seg, 22 agosto, 2016

Want the real deal on the man who makes the lubes? Dean Elliott is one of the friendliest fellas I met out in California last month. He is truly good company and founded a good company too! Dean is a smart guy; he turned a wealth of experience and ideas into a new career in manufacturing. Isn’t that the American dream? Not that it’s been easy.

“Adding this question will result in a bad census deeply flawed population data that will skew public and private sector decisions to ensure equal representation, allocate government resources and anticipate economic growth opportunities for the next 10 years,” Vanita Gupta, the chief executive of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and a deputy attorney general in the Obama administration dildo, said in a statement Monday night. “The stakes are too high to allow this. We urge Congress to overturn this error in judgment.”.

In fact, it’s worrying that Mr. Harmon is more generous to both male characters in the play than he is to the female ones. Melody, who studied opera in college, has a treble clef tattoo on her calf, and she might just as well have the word “shiksa” emblazoned across her forehead too.

I was convinced this could only get worse. After my holidays vibrators, on what was supposed to be my final visit to the docs before I was admitted to the hospital, the ultrasound showed a surprising change: the cyst had almost halved in size. I finally told my doc that I hadn’t been honest, that I had had all those menstrual probs and that I just had (on my holidays) experienced a pretty large amount of spotting after being sexually active and after another ultrasound and comparing those results to my previous one sex toys, he concluded that I hadn’t had one giant dermoid cyst on my left ovary, but rather two medium sized cysts one of which must have collapsed during the sex that I had (hence resulting in the spotting).

The oldest daughter finally tried standing up for her mother and instead of my aunt’s throat, he turned to her oldest daughter. That time, my aunt didn’t just let it go. She stayed with him and tried helping him by making him go to rehab. If you have a long torso, this could cause problem with pulling up the bust portion. It says to hand wash. It is easy to do so and then can be laid down to air dry.

I use a water base lube with this toy, I feel like it’s easier to clean and you will thank me for that tip. On a scale of 1 10, 10 being super easy to clean, this toy is a 2. There’s two conveyer belts you need to wash and to do so you have to run warm water over the inside while you manually pull each belt until you feel its clean.

There’s a three hour window that BC can be taken in and still considered effective. For instance, if you take your pill normally at 12pm, taking it after 9am or before 3pm would still be okay. After that, it’s considered a missed pill dildo, and the cycle is compromised as far as pregnancy protection.

Ubisoft released two FPS games in 2005. Far Cry: Instincts dildos, and King Kong. Both were hugely important and Ubisoft the rest of the industry are still plundering them for ideas to this day.. Goodness, I never knew I was the Queen of Melodrama. Haha. Vss hon, I think you need to ask yourself if you can’t get over him or the sex?Really, if you want to get over him, the only way you can do it is to cut all contact with him until you know that you are over him.

For the price, this toy performs remarkably well. The whole toy vibrates (although the vibrations are concentrated at the top) according to the level of vibration on which you set it. I’d originally thought it was a one speed vibrator and was pleasantly surprised to find it had settings from low to high.

Sometimes they even don’t use real tests for pregnancy, so even if a CPC seems like the only way you can find a way to test for pregnancy, know that they aren’t even a reliable place to just get tested. To do your best to be sure that’s not where you’re going to test, you can call into your local hospital, or ask a general doctor or clinic sex chair, for options for free pregnancy testing from a qualified healthcare provider, or check with friends to see if anyone’s gone to where you’re going.If your or a partner’s period is late or missed, or if periods are irregular, but it has been more than three weeks since a risk dog dildo, then the next step is to test for pregnancy.Home pregnancy tests are usually available at pharmacies, supermarkets or grocers or megastores, and typically cost around $10 $25 USD. They are highly reliable just as much as one a healthcare provider does when used according to their directions.In the meantime, here are some things you can do to help yourself:If you’re putting a test off, remember that testing doesn’t change reality, it only tells you what it is:The thought of looking the answer a test gives right in the face especially if that answer isn’t what you want it to be can be really scary, and can cause many people to avoid testing and instead, stay stuck in their fear and also limit their options if and when they are pregnant.


When these amounts are entered

seg, 22 agosto, 2016

Just ask any friend, neighbor or other proud owner of a shined and polished vehicle if you can take a few show off photos of their pride and joy. What? You think they’re going to say “No”? I’ve never been turned down yet. Not even by complete strangers in a foreign city who didn’t even speak my language that well.

Twenty something years ago we learned all about prioritizing using A, B and C. Nonetheless, our to do list went on and on, strangling us day after day. Now, we might know better but priorities still reign in the time management kingdom. “You obviously want to win but you also have to be realistic and understand we’re young and we have a lot of young guys we depend on,” Wade said. “It’s unfair for me to think that they’re going to be where I am after all the years that I played. All I want is for them to come out and compete every night and give us a chance to win.

Let the chocolate set completely. To make the base, use an offset spatula to spread a 1/4 inch thick layer of tempered dark chocolate over a sheet of parchment paper. Use a paring knife to cut a rectangle that measures 7 inches wide by 10 inches. In Britain, Joseph Swan had been able to obtain a patent on the incandescent lamp because of an oversight in the drafting of Edison’s patent application. Unable to raise the required capital in Britain because of this, Edison was forced to enter into a joint venture with Swan (known as Ediswan). Swan acknowledged that Edison had anticipated him, saying “Edison is entitled to more than I .

One 15 gram serving of cheddar cheese has 60 calories and 5 g fat, Subway reports. Pepperjack cheese has 50 calories and 4 g of fat and American cheese packs 40 calories and 3.5 g of fat in 11 gram servings; provolone cheese has 50 calories and 4 grams of fat and Swiss cheese has 50 calories and 4.5 g of fat, both in 14 g servings. Regular mayonnaise provides 110 calories and 12 g of fat per tablespoon, while light mayo has 50 calories and 5 g of fat per tbsp.

The heel guard also adds protection for an area where shoes tend to rub. They absorb moisture and sweat better than 100 percent cotton socks and are softer than 100 percent polyester socks. These socks offer compression for support and ventilation in the top part to allow feet to breathe.

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“I read it in the middle of the night and I said, ‘Oh my, this is really an amazing script, except it really can only be made if we get the National Football League involved,’” Reitman said. “It wasn’t one of those movies where you sort of made up the names of the teams and the players and everything. It had to live in the real world and, you know, we sent the script to the NFL and the good news is they liked it as much as we all did.”.

Didn’t know it until we got here, said , a Stars fan who made the trip from Pleasanton with her husband Elbert for the game. Was kind of bummed. But it doesn’t matter; it’s still an NHL game. (Although I might argue the fact that Jim Irsay owns the rights to that 19 blue and white beauty and can do anything he damn well wants with it) But quit saying that about the HOF. It’s simply not true. Don’t believe me? Go to Canton!.

According to the IPL rules, 60% of central income is distributed equally among all the IPL teams. And with only eight teams sharing the total income instead of nine, each team will get that bit more. In addition, franchises’ operating costs will be reduced to some extent because of fewer matches..

It wasn’t only a win for Paula Wellwood. Her mother, Jean, and Paula’s son, Devin, own the son of Muscle Hill. Her father, the late Hall of Famer Bill Wellwood, tried nine times to win this race for three year olds, racing in the first Hambletonian at the Meadowlands in 1981.”It means the world,” Paula said of winning.

Value of that legends stick today is about $2,000 and rising. Ferguson Sr. Has passed on, as have three players cheap jerseys china, while Ken Dryden now shies away from autographs. At the bottom of each template is a section for the amount due and amount paid. When these amounts are entered, Excel calculates the new balance automatically. The Payment Method section has interactive check boxes beside each payment method, such a cash or money order, so you can simply click on the one you choose.

Each location is set out in a similar way, with a brief overview of Key Feature, Monster, Reward and Trap. In some cases, these are not applicable, and Trap is only present if there is a trap. Some of the maps from Appendix C are duplicated in the relevant parts of the book; others are not, which means that printing out various maps would be a good idea.
